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    • The AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) Bulletin reports that as of January 2025 Social Security beneficiaries can no longer just drop by their local district office with a question or to get an issue resolved.  Most people must call for an appointment.  Exceptions are made for military personnel, people with terminal illnesses and those…

      3 days ago
    • In December Congress passed, and President Biden signed, the Social Security Fairness Act, which will raise Social Security benefits for nearly 3 million Americans.  The new law repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision Offset and the Government Pension Offset. These 2 laws coordinated and offset Social Security benefits for recipients of government pensions for federal, state…

      a month+ ago


    • Summer 2021 Newsletter STILL STANDING…AND PRACTICING I published the first issue of Social Security & You in Spring of 1993.  Some years I’ve published more issues than others.  The most recent issue was dated Spring 2019: over 2 years ago.  The world was a much different place then.  Especially for me.  Read the full newsletter…

      3+ years ago
    • Spring 2019 Newsletter An Opioid Story I’ve changed his name. Let’s call him Gerald. He was a laborer. And by that I don’t mean that he just did physical work. He was a card-carrying member the Labor’s Union local. And that meant a lot to him. I represented him for Social Security disability and Michigan…

      5+ years ago


    The annual Social Security & Medicare Trustee Report was released at the end of March and the news was mixed.
    The Social Security retirement trust fund will be unable to pay full retirement benefits, unless something is done to shore it up, in 2033. However, the Social Security disability trust fund is in much better shape. There is enough money in that fund to pay projected full benefits for 75 years.

    The short term news for the Medicare trust fund is a little better. Premiums went down slightly this year and health care spending is down accordingly, partly because 1.1 million Americans died of COVID. Also, knee and hip replacements have become so routine the largely done on an outpatient basis.

    Nevertheless, the Medicare trust fund will not be able to pay full benefits as of 2031, unless it is shorn up. Last year it was projected to be broke as of 2028.

    Call today if you have questions about the Michigan Social Security Disability Attorney and Lawyer Services provided by William Crawforth.

    To schedule an appointment call 800-864-1244 or fill out the contact form at the top of this page.

    • State Bar of Michigan
    • Washtenaw County Bar Association
    • National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives

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